Monday, December 5, 2016

Completed Lavender Silk and Progress on the Black Wool

Liendo plantation had their annual reenactment and I spent the weekend docenting in the house. I always enjoy spending a day at Liendo and it was a pleasure to go twice this month.  I mostly stayed in the parlor, but did spend some time taking tickets and managing the hallway.  I managed to get the lavender silk completed minus an evening bertha (didn't feel the need to spend the time on it since we weren't attending any evening events) in time for the event.  Here are some pictures:

I really like how it turned out.  It's really pretty and fits decently.  The gown itself has a pointed bodice but I folded up the point so I could wear a belt with the day dress.  I only got two ruffles completed, but I like of like it even without the third.  I still have enough fabric to add a third ruffle if I decided to.

In other news, I planned on having the black wool done in time for my next Liendo date (first Saturday in January).  The dress itself could be completed but it probably won't be trimmed yet. I am having a heck of a time finding ribbon to match the aqua blue silk I was going to trim it with.  My plan was to fringe the aqua silk and braid some ribbon to go on top of it to make a pretty trim.  I have tried multiple sources and ordered lots of samples from each source.  I'm about to the point where I'll just buy some white and dye it with Dharma dyes.  I already have the bodice complete, and have even added the cuffs.  The skirt is sewn together but I have not pleated it yet and I haven't even thought about attacking the bertha yet.

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